World Mosquito Day: Dengue cases are increasing, know what to do to avoid Dengue mosquitoes

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World Mosquito Day is celebrated every year on 20 August. The purpose of celebrating Mosquito Day is to make people aware of the diseases caused by mosquitoes and to make everyone aware to avoid them.

Dengue in mosquito-borne diseases, Malaria and Chikungunya are included. In the year 1887, Sir Ronald Ross, an army surgeon working in India, discovered that malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes. This discovery of Ronald threw light on diseases caused by mosquitoes and their treatment. He also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902. This day was also celebrated every year to honor him.

Talking about the present, one of the diseases caused by mosquitoes, dengue is spreading rapidly. Dengue fever is spread by Aedes aegypti, yellow fever mosquito. Due to dengue, problems like fever, headache, muscle and joint pain start. Due to this, there is severe pain in the eyes and the whole body feels broken. In such a situation, it is very important to stay away from dengue mosquito. Know here how the risk of dengue can be reduced and you can stay safe from dengue by taking precautions.

  • It is most important to be alert so that there is no dengue. Dengue occurs when a mosquito bites, so keep yourself away from mosquitoes as much as you can. Try to wear full clothes so that mosquitoes do not bite you.
  • Do not allow water to accumulate around your house and inside the house. Wherever water accumulates, there is a high risk of mosquito breeding. This is the reason why many people get infected with dengue and malaria during the rainy season.
  • Clean the plants of the house, keep the drains clean and do not allow water to remain in the pool or bucket. Keep lids on water utensils. If you run the cooler, then keep cleaning it or else run the cooler after taking out the water.
  • Keep your house and surrounding area clean. Maintaining cleanliness reduces the risk of mosquitoes breeding.
  • Dengue spreads more in monsoon, so try not to go to rainy places. If you are planning to travel somewhere, then instead of going in monsoon, go in summer or winter.
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