World Health Day 2022: Foods, ingredients to add to your diet for uterine health

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The uterus is a vital organ of the female reproductive system that not only nurtures the foetus but also plays a pivotal role in the general well-being of a woman’s body.

Studies have shown that the uterus also affects a person’s cognition and that uterine health is a major concern for a number of women as problems like uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps and excessive bleeding can create a hormonal imbalance and can cause infertility.

A key to a healthy uterus has a lot to do with your diet and that is exactly what we will be discussing in this article on the eve of World Health Day 2022. Celebrated annually to draw attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world, World Health Day is marked on April 7, the date that is also the anniversary of the founding of World Health Organisation in 1948.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Aasin Maurya, Chief Scientist at Imbue Natural, gave an insight into what Ayurveda has to say about maintaining a healthy uterus. He said, “Keeping uterine tissues healthy remains a continuous process in which healthy phytonutrients, plant-based sterols, flavonoids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients act as an adjuvant to subside the injury or cellular stress of vitiated uterine functions.”

He listed some ingredients that are known for their nutritive and therapeutic effects on uterus. These include:

1. Ashoka – Helps maintain uterine health and regulates menses, soothes the ovaries and the uterine lining.

2. Lodhra – Shows anti-inflammatory properties and enhances fertility.

3. Shatavari – Helps reduce fatigue and supports healthy menopause.

4. Guduchi – Enhances immunity, vitality and supports longevity.

5. Supari – Known to reduce inflammation and pain.

6. Nagkeshar – Known to reduce excessive blood loss.

7. Sukumaram Kashayam – Reduces menstrual discomfort.

8. Dashmool – Shows anti pyretic properties

9. Pradarantak Lauh – Known for management of white discharge and discharges of inflammatory origin.

Since what we consume on a daily basis has a direct impact on our uterine health, Dr Prateek Makwana, Consultant Embryologist and Director of Vasundhara IVF Ltd enlightened about how food ingredients in processed food impact us. He shared, “A key trick to incorporate is that whenever you buy something, make sure you go through the contents and the ingredient list of that product. Read that label! You should be aware of what you are putting into your body and how much of it. There is no one food that’ll give you all the benefits instantly. It’s a long game, play it right, your uterus and your body will thank you!”

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