Villainizing vaping backfired: Study shows misinformation makes smokers hesitant to switch from traditional smoking

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Growing health consciousness is coming down hard, cracking down on all forms of smoking and condemning all nicotine consumption as harmful to health.

Smoking is an alarming public health concern, with health experts worldwide urging smokers to quit, even recommending less harmful alternatives. Many people despite the well-documented health dangers struggle to quit. So to make quitting easy, other less harmful alternatives are sought.

One such alternative is vaping, which is not as harmful as traditional smoking but is not risk-free either, as it still contains nicotine. However, the widespread antagonizing of vaping, sometimes with inappropriate misinformation, appears to be backfiring.

A study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research, conducted by Brighton and Sussex Medical School, revealed how these misassumptions about vaping discourage smokers from switching to a relatively less harmful alternative.

As per the findings, 85% of the smokers in England, where the study was conducted, had an incorrect understanding of vaping’s risks. Some believe it’s as much or even more harmful. This misunderstanding is a big obstacle in the path of quitting cigarettes. They don’t see vaping, as a viable alternative to cigarettes.

Lack of motivation
To overcome any addictive habit or even go to the milder alternatives to gradually quit the habit, a strong motivation is required. With the widespread misunderstanding, smokers don’t feel motivated enough to switch. As per them if it’s as bad as traditional smoking, they see little point in making the switch.

Even though smoking is not completely risk-free, it’s still less harmful than regular smoking. People who can identify the differences will be able to easily switch.

With a lack of clear understanding, there’s not enough incentive to switch to a less harmful alternative like vaping.

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