To win a Padma Shri for sports shows how crucial sports is for our country : Avani Lekhara

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The young Avani Lekhara, who is the first Indian woman to win multiple medals at the Paralympics, realises what the sentiment of sport means to Indians.

“To win a Padma Shri for sports shows how crucial sports is for our country and I understand that this is a huge responsibility. I am motivated and inspired to continue to give the best to my sport.

In the future. I’m just 20 and for me to win a Padma Shri award at such a young age is an extremely big honour. Me and my family have been so happy since we got the news,” says a delighted Lekhara.

Like every girl her age, Lekhara is understandably over the moon with the Padma Shri win. “I was not expecting a Padma Shri. I was at my home when I got the news and me and my family celebrated with eating sweets and I’ve been receiving calls from my friends and relatives ever since,” she shares.

Life wasn’t always a bed of roses for this Paralympian, who despite being on a wheel chair because of meeting with an unfortunate accident has become an example of bravery and courage for others. “I will use my influence to inspire aspiring athletes by being a good example to them and always working hard. I want athletes and para-athletes to get inspired by seeing me and my journey, I want them to discard their fears and inhibitions, work hard and achieve their dreams,” shares Lekhara.

Being hailed as a youth icon today, what is Lekhara’s message for youngsters? “No matter what the situation is, don’t abandon your dreams. Keep working hard. Set your focus on your goal no matter what,” she says.

Owing to Omicron, Lekhara doesn’t have any elaborate plans for celebrating her award with her friends and says that she would currently concentrate on her training and plan ahead. “I am training at my home and have set up the target here. The Asian Para Games are coming in October and my focus is to win a medal for my country. The Paris Paralympics is also another long term goal I am working towards.

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