Tips for pregnant women to stay healthy during festive season

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Pregnancy is a special as well as stressful time for a woman as the phase promises to multiply her joys but bring its own set of responsibilities.

Festival time increases this stress a bit more and expecting mothers should try to put their health first and take ample rest in between the festivities. This is also the time when people indulge in a lot of festive food which is mostly high-calorie, has trans fats and high sugar levels.

Eating in moderation or small portions can ensure good health during this time. Exposure to firecracker pollution can be harmful too and cause respiratory issues in unborn child and mother.

Diwali season is a time to enjoy, celebrate, and spend quality time with your loved ones. But during this festive season, expectant mothers should take extra caution.

1. Avoid smoke and pollution
Women, especially those who are pregnant, may experience health problems as a result of the high smoke and pollution from the firecrackers. The mother and infant may be harmed by the smoke and pollution that firecrackers release. If the mother experiences respiratory issues in the early stages of pregnancy, the unborn child may also be impacted. Fire crackers frequently create poisonous vapours with high levels of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. Additionally, compared to non-pregnant people, pregnant women are more likely to experience these issues.

2. Eat healthful foods in little portions at regular intervals

Pregnant women should ensure to consume small portions of healthy food and water every two hours while engaged in the intensive preparation for festivals while they are busy shopping and performing other home duties. This will keep them from getting tired and from having spells of fainting.

3. Pay close attention to your diet

Diet is another crucial aspect that expectant women should pay attention to. Pregnant women should strive to limit their intake of sweets because Diwali, Bhai Dooj are the occasions when most people eat a lot of sweets and fried appetisers. This is due to the likelihood that they may acquire gestational diabetes being very high. This can make things much more difficult for them.

4. Refrain from loud noises

Since pregnant women’s eardrums are more sensitive, loud noises are also thought to upset them. The mother and the kid may both find the loud cracker noises to be highly upsetting. Best to stay away from them.

5. Avoid wearing heavy dresses

For the protection of their unborn children, expectant moms should avoid wearing traditional heavy clothes during festivities since they are cumbersome to handle and make it uncomfortable to move around.

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