This morning, try these 5 exercises to feel happy and healthy

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Mornings are best when they are spent loosening the muscles, stretching the body and making up the mind to get ready for the day ahead.

When we sleep the night before with a head full of tension and stress, we wake up feeling overwhelmed. This can affect the entire day and make us feel cranky and irritated. The key to a good night’s sleep and a healthy morning the next day is to shed all kinds of stress and look forward to having a better tomorrow. Easier said than done, we know. However, workouts and light stretches can actually help us feel better and give us fresh perspectives on how to address our issues. Here are five exercises that can make us feel happy throughout the day.

Going for a morning walk with a family member or a partner can positively affect both physical and mental health. It helps us to perform a low-impact workout routine and boost the overall circulation of the body.


Imagine going through the known lanes or a park in the morning hours on your cycle and having the time of your life, all the while working out your lower body muscles. Cycling is a low-impact workout routine but is known for its incredible health benefits when done regularly.

This is a warm-up workout routine focused on stretching the upper body muscles. It involves being on all fours, and then slowly pushing the upper body upwards to stretch the spine, and then stretching the spine inwards.

Jumping Jacks:

This is a great routine for boosting cardiovascular health as it involves working out every muscle of the body. All you need to do is stand and then stretch your legs and move your arms upwards, and then swiftly bring them back. The key lies in repeating the position.


All you need to do is stretch your arms outwards, place your legs apart according to your shoulders and be in a seated position. Repeat it for some time till you feel the burn in the thigh muscles.

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