As the Democratic Republic of India celebrates seventy-five years of its journey, it is an appropriate moment to sit back and reflect on the ‘State of the Republic’.
How has the journey been over the last seven and a half decades? What are the assets we accumulated and the liabilities that show up on the ‘political balance sheet’? Have we as a nation and its citizens capitalised on the assets and worked towards reducing the liabilities? Have the assets shrunk or expanded and have the liabilities reached an alarming proportion or well within the accepted limits that can be managed? One lens used to review this political balance sheet is the goals that the framers of our Constitution set out in the Preamble.
This Preamble promised to secure all the people, justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. Each of these four keywords was expanded to help successive governments define their agenda in the context of these promises. Seventy-five years of effort provides an opportune moment to assess our achievements and challenges.
For citizens of India, justice was verily the cornerstone of our democratic foundations. In successive surveys undertaken by Lokniti-CSDS, it has been consistently found that people privilege the justice and welfare dimensions of democracy. Justice as fairness was seen from the prism of its social, economic, and political impact.
In his concluding speech in the Constituent Assembly, Babasaheb Ambedkar had warned, “On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics, we will have equality, and in social and economic life we will have inequality. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life? If we continue to deny it for long, we will do so only by putting our political democracy in peril.”
Since the first general elections of 1952, we have seen the operation of the principle of ‘One Person, One Vote, One Value’. Voter turnout has also witnessed an increase and the gender gap in voting has been sharply reduced. Yet, the same electoral process requires individuals (and political parties) to have deep financial pockets to be key electoral players. The debate on social justice continues.
The 2024 Lok Sabha elections appeared as a competition between two alternative narratives of social justice. While the BJP narrative revolved around the slogan ‘Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas, Sab Ka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’ (with everyone, development for all, trust of all, efforts of all), the Congress focused on social justice from the vision of the need for a caste census.
The results of that election indicated no clear endorsement of either slogan. The BJP did not secure a majority on its own and had to form a government under the umbrella of its alliance the NDA while the Congress was unable to enter triple digits in the Lok Sabha. Across the country, there are repeated examples of social injustice being faced by people. In the economic sphere, a 2024 report by the World Inequality Lab indicated that the top 1% of India’s population accounted for one-fourth of the total national income.
If one were to assess the second principle – liberty – of thought, expression, faith, belief, and worship. Given the visible polarisation that is being witnessed in society, does one truly encounter liberty of thought and expression? Often, people arrive at conclusions based on their strongly held beliefs and then search for evidence to justify the same! One had believed that evidence determines perspectives… yet the reality increasingly is our perspective defines the evidence we seek. Does this reflect the ‘soul of liberty of thought and expression’? Liberty of faith, belief, and worship is increasingly witnessing greater public expression. Its contribution to social harmony remains a matter of debate.
Our endeavours to achieve equality of status and opportunity have seen many a serious stride. The access to education and the implementation of the policy of reservation has opened up avenues for greater opportunities and participation for different segments of society and hitherto disadvantaged groups. Yet, it could also be persuasively argued that the pace of this change could have been much faster and its spread much wider. Liberalisation, privatisation, and globalisation have seen many a commendable step forward… it has also been witness to increased disparities among different segments of society. Major efforts to secure gender equality have been initiated, yet the power structure in social relationships still witnesses the dominance of patriarchy at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century.
The strengthening of the feeling of human oneness – the quintessence of fraternity, seems to be a ‘work in progress’ for agonisingly too long. Movement forward on that path is verily linked to our successes in promoting justice, protecting liberty, and passionately moving toward greater equality.
Our Republic, at 75, has seen many an achievement…the road forward in the next quarter-century seems to have its fair share of challenges. The political balance sheet has many valued assets, but it also has disturbing liabilities.