International Kissing Day 2023: Date, history, significance

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International Kissing Day 2023: Th special time of the year is here. Every year, International Kissing Day is celebrated with a whole lot of love and pomp throughout the world.

Not to be confused with Kiss Day that takes place a day before Valentine’s Day in February, International Kissing Day is observed to understand the benefits of kissing, the significance of a kiss in social interactions.

The practice of kissing started in United Kingdom and slowly became popular internationally. International Kissing Day is observed to speak of the variety of kisses that exist in the world and how it helps in enhancing the mood and making us feel better.

International Kissing Day will be celebrated soon throughout the world. As we gear up to celebrate the day, here are a few facts you need to know:

Every year, International Kissing Day is celebrated on July 6. From friendly kisses to French kisses, there are a lot of types of kisses that exist in the world. From the way we place a peck on the cheeks of our loved ones to the way we passionately kiss the person we love, kissing denotes a lot of emotions and feelings by the way it is done.

The ritual of kissing started with the Romans who used three forms of kissing to express themselves – the osculum (peck on the cheek), savium (eager mouth kisses) and basium (kisses on the lips). The French people started the French kiss during the World War I.

While it is a beautiful thing to express our emotions to the person we love, we should always know to ask for consent before we kiss someone. A kiss, placed inappropriately, can make a person uncomfortable. A kiss is meant for making the other person feel loved and cared for. International Kissing Day is observed to understand the benefits of kissing and how it is important for expressing our feelings.

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