International Female Orgasm Day 2022: Health Benefits Of An Active Sexual Life

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INTERNATIONAL FEMALE ORGASM DAY 2022: A healthy sexual relationship and physical intimacy not only boost your relationship with your partner but is also responsible for improving your general physical and mental well-being. Sex is associated with a lot of health benefits.

As August 8 marks International Day for Female Orgasm, here we take a look at the advantages of a healthy sexual life other than physical pleasure and satisfaction.

According to sexual health expert Yvonne K. Fulbright, people who are more active sexually, have a reduced number of sick days in their life. Researches have also shown that people who have sex regularly develop a higher level of antibodies against germs and viruses, as compared to people who do not practice sex that frequently.

Sexual activity is considered to be a form of exercise. Either during sexual intercourse or during foreplay, men and women experience the stretching of muscles, flexion of joints and fluctuation in hormones. All of this can promote cardiovascular fitness. This was highlighted in a research paper published in the National Library of Medicine.

The same research underlined that sexual activity helps reduce both men’s and women’s stress hormone levels like adrenaline and cortisol. Clinical scientists say that sex stimulates the production of endorphins which are natural mood elevators. Orgasm especially triggers the release of oxytocin which advances bonding and might help in relieving stress.

Having a healthy sexual relationship improves one’s libido, says MD Lauren Streicher, who is the Professor of. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. She adds that for women, having sex increases vaginal lubrication and improves blood flow and elasticity.

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