India Concerned Over Shelling Near Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

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India expressed concern over reports of shelling near the fuel storage facility of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) during an UN Security Council briefing.

“India expresses its concern over the reports of shelling near the spent fuel storage facility of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. We call for mutual restraint so as not to endanger the safety and security of nuclear facilities,” Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations said.

Ukraine and Russia blamed each other for the shelling near the nuclear plant. Ukraine issued a statement on Thursday accusing Russia of shelling the NPP once more that day.

“We accord high priority to the discharge by the IAEA of its safeguards and monitoring activities, in accordance with its Statute in an effective, non- discriminatory and efficient manner, and we value the efforts of the Agency in this regard.

We have noted the latest information available with regard to the nuclear power plants and facilities in Ukraine, including the updates published on August 9 and 10 by the IAEA, and today’s updates on developments,” Kamboj said.

She said that India is tracking the developments regarding the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear power reactors and facilities. She also pointed out that India prioritises the safety and security of nuclear facilities as any accident could endanger environmental and public health safety.

Kamboj said India is urging both nations to immediately cease hostilities and begin discussions in order to end the violence by returning to the path of diplomacy and dialogue.

India said that it is necessary to consider the impact the war in Ukraine is having on developing economies. Kamboj highlighted the issues several countries are facing due to the effect the war is having on food grains, fertiliser and fuel supply chains.

“It is important for all of us to appreciate the importance of equity, affordability, and accessibility when it comes to food grains. Open markets must not become an argument to perpetuate inequity and promote discrimination,” she further added.

Kamboj also appreciated the initiative taken to reopen the exports of grains from Ukraine via the Black Sea and the facilitation of the exports of Russian food and fertilisers.

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