‘I Am A Billion Dollar Star’ – Feel Wealthy – Book By Kristna Saikia – A Star Is Born When We Conceived In Our Mother’s Womb.

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Tell us something about the book you wrote'I am Billion Dollar Star '- Feel Wealthy-

Kristna – It is an amazing experience to just to know that someday I will see my book in the book stores and I will have my book. During the pandemic, I just thought of writing the book and I became serious about it. I always wanted to write a non-fiction book. Now that the book is ready and the moment I saw the first copy, I  felt numb for a few minutes. I was quiet and I just felt the book in my hand and I was connecting with the book in silence. I thought to myself – Yes I did it. Dreams do come true. It's my baby -My book 'I am a Billion Dollar Star'– Feel Wealthy –is about living life with the high vibration of abundance consciousness related to any area of life. It can be a career, finance, relationship, health, and spiritual abundance and not in lack state from within. The book has techniques that give the insight to transform life in any area to prosperity and living in good health in mind, body, and soul. There are certain skills required living on the earth plane to achieve our goals with a winner mindset. One has to release the broke mindset. Our life is a metaphysical process. So in the book, I have put powerful techniques to learn how to heal, remove your inner blocks and shift yourself to a new reality. Some topics in the book include – how meditation can help you succeed and have a balanced life as well as help you make the right decision and make fewer mistakes. First recognize your self-net worth, how the art
of seduction helps you to position yourself and draw attention and get you the spotlight and there is more.

Each one of us is a Star. I feel a star is already born the moment child is conceived in the mother's womb. Each one of us is already Star.

How can people get access to your book now?

The book will be on my website and kindle. People can order the paper book and it will be couriered to them. I want to have a more intimate touch with the readers who reads the book. Anyone who wants to own a copy of
my book can write to me. I will be conducting 1-hour free session with people who have read my book as part of an exchange of conversation related to the book. The book will be given to distributors in various countries

A lot of things related to the book are in process. I will be recording for the audiobook soon and shooting for the
promo of the book.

How was your journey while writing this book?

The journey was very interesting as I brought my own practical experiences while writing the book. I am an actress and from the film industry where we tell stories cinematically. I saw the book to be very vibrant and
colorful in my mind. There are times I didn't feel like writing though I was very passionately connected to
the book. I did write on flights at times while traveling the globe during the pandemic. The book also has a lot of beautiful images of mine shot by various photographers from around the globe.

Did you face any challenges while writing this book?

Kristna: I would not call it challenges but creating and writing the book as well as conceptualizing the book has been a beautiful process. A lot of creativity has also gone into designing every page of the book. I wanted when somebody holds my book, he or she feels a bond with the vibrant energy.  I enjoyed every moment whenever I gave time to the development of the book.  I used to always be in tune within for guidance and ask my angels to make the journey easier.  I kept deleting many pages I wrote and I designed till I didn't feel it was not shaping up as it should be. I am happy finally it did.

Kristna Saikia's Social network site Linkedin-
Facebook –Kristna Saikia
Instagram:Dr.Kristna Saikia.Twitter – Kristna_5

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