Finding the right person: 4 ways to know if your partner is serious about you

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When it comes to progressing to the next step of a relationship, sometimes your partner could be on a different page than you.

While you may have long-term goals in mind regarding your relationship, your partner may just be enjoying the present moment, and not planning a future with you. One-sided expectations can lead to heartbreak and to avoid such a situation, one should pay close attention to signs if their partner is truly serious about them or not. People who have long-term relationship in mind like to involve their partners in decision-making and their likes and dislikes matter to them a lot. If your partner is seeking your opinion about important decisions of their life, it certainly indicates seriousness on their part. Another sign could be their genuine desire to know things and motivations of your life and not just plain talk.

“The danger of getting attention from someone we like is that we can quickly start to invest in a story that our mind has created and ignore whether we see signs they are really investing in us. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the attention someone is giving you. Just don’t confuse attention with genuine intention. You can’t instantly know what someone’s intentions are, of course, but there are things you can look out for along the way that may give you some clues,” says Matthew Hussey, Relationship expert and NYT bestselling author of Get The Guy fame.

Here are 4 signs that your partner is serious about you, explained by Hussey.

1. They involve you
Ask yourself – are they thinking about you in their decision-making process or do you only hear about decisions once they have been made?

2. They ask questions
Are they genuinely trying to get to know you or just enjoying your company? Someone with real intention will ask questions because they are evaluating you for a more important role in their life.

3. They are planning
People who want to take things ahead with you, will keep future in mind while talking to you. Are they getting excited about things they want to do/see/experience with you beyond tomorrow night?

4. Their actions match their words
Do their actions show they are actually prepared to invest in their dynamic with you? Words alone can be cheap; their actions should reflect what they are saying to you.

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