European elections, right-wing winds also in Austria: the nationalists FPö ahead

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For now, a right-wing wind is blowing in Europe. The data from Germany say it, decidedly sensational.

With the CDU as the first party but above all with the far-right AfD surpassing Olaf Schoz’s socialists. This is confirmed by the exit polls in Austria, where the conservatives of the FPÖ should be at the top of the list.

Here are the data of exit polls:

Freedom Party Austriaco (FPÖ) – nationalists: 25.7%
People’s Party Austriaco (Övp) – conservatives: 24.7%
Social Democratic Party ofAustria (Spö) – left: 23.2%
Grune – Verdi: 10.7%
Neos – liberals: 9.90%
Kpo: 2.9%

What is surprising is the difference compared to past European elections. The FPÖ has gained almost 10 percentage points in five years, having closed in 2019 at only 17.2%. The ÖVP party, which five years ago had reached 24.6%, is collapsing. Practically unchanged, however, was the result of the socialists who lost “only” 1 percentage point. Small increase for Neos, which in 2019 stopped at 8.4%. While the Greens dropped from 14.1% to the current 10.5%. Again according to the exit polls.

As regards seats, the projections assign the following places:

Freedom Party Austriaco (FPÖ) – nationalists: 6 seats (Identity and Democracy group of Salvini and Le Pen)
People’s Party Austriaco (Övp) – conservatives: 5 seats (European People’s Party)
Social Democratic Party ofAustria (Spö) – left: 5 seats (S&D)
Grune – Verdi: 2 seats
Neos – Liberals: 2 seats (Renew)

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