Electrolytes are crucial for bodily functions: Tips to boost electrolyte intake

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Electrolytes have many benefits. They help in supporting nerve function and regulating blood pressure.

They also help in rehydrating the body and building new tissues. “Are electrolytes something you’ve focused on incorporating into your diet? Did you notice any differences,” asked Doctor Mark Hyman as he explained the many benefits of electrolytes and how we can naturally boost electrolyte intake.

Electrolytes help in converting food into energy – thereby improving energy production. They also help in maintaining flued balance and promoting hydration.

Electrolytes help in ensuring muscle contraction and relaxation, thereby alleviating cramps and muscle tension. They also help in assisting the nervous system and supporting brain function.

In order to enhance electrolyte intake, we should focus on whole foods such as avocados, bananas, leafy greens, nuts and seeds.

Lemon Water: Regular water and lemon water can help promote satiety and fullness. Squeeze lemon juice or put a few thin slices of lemon in a glass of water and sip on it in between meals.

Instead of sugary sports drinks, we should consider natural drinks such as coconut water. Eating a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables also helps in adding to nutrition.

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