This morning, start your day with a cup of herbal tea for these amazing benefits

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Every house has a morning ritual – be it waking up and going to the terrace for a session of meditation or getting your walking shoes and going out for a walk within nature.

But every house has this one morning ritual that binds the family together – sipping hot cups of tea over conversations and discussions about who has what plans for the entire day. Morning cups of tea are seen as conversation starters, and ways of bonding with your family members before getting ready for work.

However, herbal tea might be the healthier alternative to morning cups of tea to start the day on a fresh and healthy note. Unlike regular cups of tea, herbal tea is prepared by boiling dried spices, fruits, flowers and herbs. They unleash their benefits into the cups of morning tea which help us to stay rejuvenated throughout the day. Here are five herbal teas that we should incorporate into our daily morning routine.

This herbal tea is best known for its calming effects on the body. It also helps in improving sleep quality and boosting the circadian rhythm of the body. It has great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Peppermint tea:

Replete with antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, peppermint tea makes for one of the best ways to start the morning. It is known for supporting digestive health and alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Ginger tea:

Ginger tea:Ginger tea is a well-known remedy for nausea, stomach ulcers, indigestion and menstrual pain. It is packed with antioxidants and helps us to start the day on a healthy note.

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