5 Strategies to Optimise Sleep and Productivity

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We all want to know the key to being very productive, but in our quest, we compromise the most crucial productivity practice – a good night’s sleep.

Do not undervalue the significance of getting enough sleep. How much you sleep may determine your productivity, creativity, analytical skills, and even the success of your business or career.

We are often aware that the ideal amount of sleep is eight hours, but with obligations to family, friends, and work frequently taking up more than 16 hours of the day, it can be difficult to make the math work.

Maybe you believe that you can function perfectly with four or five hours of sleep every night. Perhaps you’ve gotten used to overnight flights, changing time zones, and the occasional all-nighter. You might even display your lack of sleep as a badge of honour. Yet, insufficient rest leads to poor judgment, lack of self-control, and reduced creativity.

The new currency for productivity is energy, not time. Therefore making healthy sleep habits a priority will benefit both your overall health and business greatly. To get quality sleep and show up with executive presence, follow these five easy strategies:


Many professionals regularly experience anxiety when sleeping, their minds racing with several problems and an extensive to-do list. Apart from all techniques for a good night’s sleep, detox your thoughts by reflecting on the three things you’ve achieved during the day, however small or big they are. Set intentions for the next day and give yourself a mantra like, “I deserve to rest now to fuel my day tomorrow.”

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