What was said on Indian companies in the released global report on Climate Change

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The serious problem of climate change is fast becoming an important issue in the board rooms of big corporate companies.

Indian companies rank fifth globally in terms of concerns about climate change. This information has been given in a report released on Tuesday by the advisory company Deloitte.

However, Indian companies are likely to implement more stringent climate action than global companies. This survey of Deloitte was conducted in 21 countries during September-October, 2021.

Compared to the January-February 2021 survey, this time a higher number of top-level Indian executives responded to the issue of climate change. Deloitte said 2,000 top-level executives took part in the survey. Of these, 163 CXOs are from India. 91% of executives in this global survey said that they are aware of the impact of climate change on their business.

According to Deloitte’s report, Indian companies will take stricter steps than others on the issue of climate change. Indian CxOs said that the measurement of data regarding carbon emissions is less and it is also recorded in less space. This is a big challenge.

According to Deloitte’s Global 2022 CXO Sustainability Survey report, Indian companies rank fifth in terms of climate change concerns. In the survey, 80 percent of Indian executives believed that the world is ‘on tip’ in response to climate change.

Eight months ago, the number of Indian executives who said so was only 53 percent. According to a global report, 89% of Chief Experience Officers (CXOs) believed that climate change would have a negative impact on their business.

94 percent of the executives surveyed agreed that the effects of climate change can be limited with immediate action. Eight months ago, the number of executives who said so was 61 percent.

Punit Ranjan, CEO of Deloitte and Indian-American, says, “The environmental challenge is huge and no single organization can tackle it alone. The biggest impact will come from the joint efforts of like-minded organizations, individuals and NGOs.”

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