6 skin problems you may face when your kidneys are not working well

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Your skin can tell a lot about your overall health. Signs of kidney diseases can also be spotted on your skin.

If you skin has turned dry, pigmented, discoloured and you are troubled with constant itching that gets worse in the night, it may be a sign that your kidneys are not functioning well. As we know that one of the most important functions of kidney is to remove all the toxins and waste from the blood. In case of chronic kidney diseases, this important organ is not able to do its job due to which toxin starts accumulating and its impact starts showing on skin as well as in the form of other health issues.

The first sign that can be seen perhaps is an extremely dry skin and fish like scales on your body because your sweat glands have blockages because of kidney dysfunction. The toxin accumulation could also lead to change in skin colour and also itchy rashes.

Dr Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics, in an interview with HT Digital, talks about 6 skin problems one may face due to malfunctioning of kidneys.

• Extremely dry skin or xerosis: The dry and rough skin is most commonly associated with kidney diseases because of blockages in sweat glands. This is characterised by rough and scaly skin, fish like scales and cracks on skin which increase the chances of infection.

• Increased pigmentation: This condition is caused because the blood is not cleaned. The common changes in skin include hyperpigmentation and yellow discolouration on the skin.

• Constant itching or pruritus: This is the most common and bothersome effect of kidney diseases. Itching gets worse during night time and makes it difficult for the patient to sleep.

• Scratch marks: Itching and blood disorder can cause marks and bumps on the skin and when ignored it causes bleeding skin accompanied by sores.

• Skin colour changes: As the kidneys are not filtering the blood, the toxins accumulate and they give a different shade to the colour of the skin. The skin can attain a greyish hue, or a yellow colour which is unhealthily pale, or in some cases the skin becomes dark or has white spots. Thick yellowish and bumpy skin is also common.

Rashes: Build-up of waste under the skin leads to itchy rashes which can be accompanied by bumps.

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