10 Ground Rules To Follow In Love Or Arranged Marriage

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In the journey of marriage, whether it’s a product of love or arranged, certain fundamental ground rules can help lay a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling partnership.

These ten principles encompass essential values like communication, trust, and respect, serving as a guiding light for couples embarking on their lifelong commitment, regardless of how their union was initiated. Jeevika Sharma, Relationship Coach discusses the ground rules:

There should be trust between both the partners and it should not waiver at any time. A marriage, either love or arrange, without trust would never be successful. Both the partners must maintain trust by being loyal to each other.

Be it arranged marriage or live marriage both the partners need to manage their finances well. Both should know the income and savings of the other and should plan all the investments together. They should also consult each other before any big expenditure.

Household chores
Both the partners should take care of household chores. Even after having house help there are a few things which are needed to be done by the residents of the house. All such things should be equally divided between both the partners.

The most important thing one needs to manage is time i.e. time one should give to each other. No matter how much the partners know each other they need to spend time with each other to make the marriage work.

One needs to manage the family, as well along with the relationship. The family includes in-laws and their responsibilities. Even if the in-laws are living separately they are to be taken care off. You could be new to them in case of an arrange marriage or must be knowing each other for long but the responsibilities would remain the same.

Do not criticize your in-laws
Treat them equally as your parents, give them time and meet them regularly.

Avoid arguments
Do not bring up arguments which you both had in past. It could ruin the relationship.
Do not hide anything from your partner
Be it about your past relationship or anything which your partner must know off. Hiding it could result in an argument and can even break the relationship. Hiding is equivalent to lying to your

Partners should be open to talking or sharing information with each other being in complete control of their senses. They should not take the help of alcohol or drugs to be truthful with their partner.

In a marriage both the partners should forgive each other over small arguments. There is no point in dragging an argument to an extent which would break the relationship.

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